Friday, July 10, 2009

B for B-E-I-N-G





Give up

It’s a new word in our Africa Solutions Alphabet. It’s what we need to live by. Even as I write this I have some doubt in my heart. I guess that’s the voice of fear and complacency. We all live by that. Not being sure; fearing the unknown, is what holds us back. Surfing through the internet and I see the kind of feats people perform. I get challenged, by the architects, chefs, musical greats to environmentalists who use amazingly new green technology. They all have one thing in common, they all chose to embrace this one word in our alphabet, B-E-I-N-G.

Be. They are; they chose to live and explore.
Life isn’t just a seat of comfort but a rollercoaster ride with twists and turns. They all scream in excitement and let the ride lead them where they need to be. It’s appreciating who you are, understanding your limitations and embracing the unknown to rediscover yourself.

They are Extraordinary. They chose to be different. They don’t let anything deter them. They forge forward and pursue what it is they
feel they were made to do.
Right: Museum of contemporary furniture & design

The extraordinary people are the ones who make history, they take the risk. They are your Albert Einsteins, Leornardo Da Vincis, Obamas, Michael Jacksons, and Desmond Tutus. They are the ones who stand up when everyone is scared. They fight for what they believe in. They believe in something and lead others by influencing them through their works and mentor others through their moral convictions.

They are Industrious. They work hard, they sacrifice. They lose the extra hours of sleep to ensure that they achieve the day’s goals to attain their vision. They invent and improvise where need be.
Never, does not exist in their vocabulary. Every challenge is seen as an opportunity to grow; to learn from, to better ourselves. It is what gives life its meaning. Turbulence adds the spice to it all. It’s what makes each one of us stronger, more focused and brilliant.
(Left: Museum of contemporary furniture & design - B-E-I-N-G The architect)

Giving up is never an option. The greats as you and I will learn as we embark on this great discovery were aware that there were unknowns. With that in mind we too need to tighten our belts and float, soar and crash into greatness, ready for anything. Giving up is only an option if you never make it past the conception stage. The fact that you are alive to read this means you passed the conception stage and therefore you have no other choice but to seize the opportunity.

What opportunity you ask? The one that you give excuses for, with this phrase; ‘I want to be (?) when I get the cash, go to school or when…’. This phrase is a pointer to what you desire and need to do, but instead of jumping at it, you’re filled with excuses.
It's easier said than done. But one thing I am learning about B-E-I-N-G is that, you free yourself of living in fear and inadequacy. It frees you from being a victim; you chose not to be caught up in the unnecessary drama. It’s for that better you, better situation, better society and Better continent; Africa it’s time to B-E-I-N-G.

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Turkwell River, Kenya

Turkwell River, Kenya
The beauty is endless