Thursday, May 7, 2009

Quick Facts: President Fradique de Menezes

1. Birthday: March 21st 1942

2. He’s 67 years old

3. He was born of a Portuguese father and a Sao Tomean Mother

4. Attended high school in Portugal, and then studied Education and Psychology at the Free University of Brussels

5. He was preceded by Miguel Trovoada, a lawyer graduated from the University of Lisbon

6. He was temporarily overthrown in a coup on July 16th 2003 by Fernando "Cobo" Pereira a major of the Sao Tomean military who relinquished power on July 23rd of the same year.

7. He’s a wealthy cocoa exporter

8. Was elected in 2001 and re-elected in 2006 for a second and last five year term

9. He relinquished his Portuguese nationality to run for office

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Turkwell River, Kenya

Turkwell River, Kenya
The beauty is endless